
The Doctrine of Sanctification is unavailable, but you can change that!

The words holy and sanctified appear hundreds of times in Scripture and the concept of sanctification is obviously important to the Christian experience. Pink calls it, “the great promise of the covenant made to Christ for His people.” But for many of us, questions remain. What is sanctification? Are we sanctified at the same time we are justified? Is there a difference between sanctification and...

We have also now reached what is the most difficult and aspect of our many-sided subject. The task of defining and describing the nature of sanctification is by no means a simple one. This is due, partly, to the many different aspects and angles which have to be borne in mind, if anything like a comprehensive conception is to be obtained. Scripture speaks of the believer being sanctified by God the Father; other passages speak of being sanctified in Christ and by His sacrifice; still others of being
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